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Leak Testing Basics

TQC Leak Test Systems
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Contact Information

TQC Ltd, Hooton Street,
Carlton Road, Nottingham,
Notts. NG3 2NJ,

Tel: +44 (0) 115 9503561
Fax: +44 (0) 115 9484642


Useful Leak Specification Guidelines.

Typical Test Pressures, Leak Limits & Test Methods for Common Components

Product/Component Test Pressure Leak Test Method
WATER LEAKS/COOLING SYSTEMS 1 to 2 bar 4 to 7 cc/min Air pressure decay
OIL LEAKAGE (various) 0.1 to 7 bar 6 to 15cc/min Air pressure decay/flow
FUEL/DIESEL 1 to 10 bar 0.1 to 15cc/min Air pressure decay
FUEL/PETROL 1 to 5 bar 3.0 to 15cc/min AirPressure decay
REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDITIONING 2 to 20 bar 5 to 15 gm/yr Tracer gas
ELECTRICAL HOUSING/CONNECTORS 0.1 to 1 bar 0.01 to 1cc/min Pressure decay/Tracer

Bubbles to leak conversion

cc/sec (ml/sec) mm3/sec cc/min (ml/min) 1 cc (1 ml) 2mm bubble
0.1 100 6 10 sec 24 bubbles per sec
0.01 10 0.6 100 sec 2 bubbles per sec
0.001 1 0.06 16.7 min 4.2 secs
1x10-4 0.1 0.006 2.8 hours 41.9 secs
1x10-5 0.01 6x10-4 27.8 hours 7.0 min
1x10-6 0.001 6x10-5 11.6 days 69.8 min
1x10-7 1x10-4 6x10-6 16.5 weeks 11.6 hours
1x10-8 1x10-5 6x10-7 3.2 years 4.8 days
1x10-9 1x10-6 6x10-8 31.8 years 6.9 weeks
1x10-10 1x10-7 6x10-9 318 years 1.33 years

Pressure conversion chart

To convert from to (multiply by) bar psi kPa kg/cm2 mbar Pa inH20 mmHg
bar 1 14.5 100 1.02 1000 100000 401 750
psi 0.069 1 6.9 0.07 68.97 6896.55 27.66 51.72
kPa 0.01 0.145 1 0.01 10 1000 4 7.5
kg/cm2 0.981 14.23 98.14 1 981.35 98135 393.52 736
mbar 0.001 0.015 0.1 0.001 1 100 0.4 0.75
Pa 1E-05 1.4E-04 0.001 1.02E-05 0.01 1 0.004 0.0075
in H2O 0.0025 0.036 0.249 0.0025 2.49 249.38 1 1.87
mm Hg 0.0013 0.019 0.133 0.0014 1.33 133.33 0.535 1

Leakage flow rates conversion chart

To convert from ….to (multiply by)
m bar.l/sec

atm mm3/sec

atm m3/min
atm cu ft/yr
atm cc/sec 1 1.013 1000 60 0.06 6E-05 1116 0.759
mbar.l/sec 0.987 1 987 59.23 0.059 5.9E-05 1101 0.75
atm mm3/sec 0.001 0.001 1 0.06 6E-05 6E-08 1.116 0.0007
atm cc/min 0.0167 0.017 16.67 1 0.001 1E-06 18.6 0.012
litre/min 16.67 16.88 16667 1000 1 0.001 18601 12.67
atm m3/min 16667 16883 16666667 1000000 1000 1 18601190 12664
cu ft/yr 0.0009 0.0009 0.896 0.054 5.37E-05 5.37E-08 1 0.0007
torr.l/sec 1.316 1.33 1316 78.96 0.0789 7.89E-05 1468 1




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